Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mission statement

Hello, I have just lost my job at a long/short firm, so I have time on my hands. In fact I will probably be unemployed for a very very long time. This blog is a tool for me to stay sharp regarding the investment world, as well as an outlet for thoughts on my job search, geopolitics, and my personal obsession: snow and snowstorms.
One of my favorite companies, ACE reported today. I listened to the call, evan's voice is quite soothing as is their financial strength. I will have more comments after I get my hands on the call transcript. the first adjustment to losing one's job is the sudden cutoff of information. Bloomberg will apparently extend for 2 months access to account holders who have lost their job. That is great news and as soon as I get my super cheap laptop I just purchased, I will have some bloomberg access. In the interim, a shout out to my buddies who will provide me transcripts etc...
On the job search front... Well as this is the first week, we are still in the optimisim camp here. Eventually even your friends will not take your calls, but we are not there yet. I guess all I can do is try and connect to as many people as possible. Nobody is hiring, or at least very few are hiring.

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